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根据comScore, 美国在线视频观众已经膨胀到总人口的56%, 这意味着每月约有1.89亿美国人在线观看视频. That is almost 50 percent more than the percentage that turned out for the 2012 presidential election.



As with children, video advertising has gone through several stages since its inception. It started by looking up to its elder siblings’ search and display for guidance. 晚些时候, it realized that it was strong enough to stand on its own and didn’t need to follow in their footsteps or in the footsteps of its parental unit, 电视广告. 然而,视频广告仍然保留了一些相似之处和联系.

2012年上半年,在线视频广告收入超过了1美元.而在2013年,这一数字仅为近10亿美元.40亿美元,高出24%. 24%的年增长率意味着在线视频广告, 作为一个部分, 总体上比在线广告增长得更快吗, 哪个国家同期只增长了18%. 事实上, 就总收入的百分比而言, all digital ad formats are seeing a downward trend because of the growth of mobile (表1). 也就是说,除了视频.

All digital ad formats are declining in popularity, except for online video, according to comScore. 

同时, YouTube cost per mille (CPM) rates have dropped from an average of $25 to close to $2, 那么视频广告是如何快速增长的呢?


Performance-based pricing is the vital driving force right now as it accounts for 65 percent of revenue for the whole digital advertising industry, 根据互动广告局(IAB). Key to that is programmatic buying, the big buzzword right now in digital video advertising. Several other factors pushing online video advertising forward are more expansive TV Everywhere choices, 将传统电视广告与视频点播(VOD)和DVR广告进行包装, 在网上扩大使用类似于总评分点(GRP)的指标, 更多创新和有趣的广告格式, 以及针对移动应用和游戏的视频广告.


程序化购买是人工智能(AI)的应用, 主要是观察数据趋势的算法, to optimize ad placements based on a set of criteria targeting a specific audience. The AI then automatically makes a specific ad buy to meet or exceed the criteria.

Programmatic buying is the long-awaited marriage of Big Data and online video advertising. 它将允许广告商深入挖掘海量数据, 从各种各样的来源, 为了更好地瞄准他们想要的人群. 最重要的是, it will also allow for tracking across platforms to the point where the brand message and experience can finally be totally cohesive and consistent, 消费者所到之处.

Programmatic buying is not only about automated buying; it’s also about optimizing campaigns and ad placements. The algorithms will watch the data and buy ad placements when they see a favorable trend or environment emerging, 根据广告主输入系统的信息. 例如, 假设一家服装零售商想要卖出更多的短裤, t恤, 和凉鞋在芝加哥的分店. It put in parameters for an ad buy that amounts to “a sunny day in the Chicago area when the temperature is above 70 degrees” and specifies a list of content publishers that are known to be popular with Chicago-area users. 四月的一天, 出乎所有人的意料, 云散去,气温上升, which triggers the algorithm into buying ad placements across a dozen sites that are popular with people in Chicago. 它甚至可以定制这些广告, 从变量输入到系统, to tailor them for specific users whose buying habits the retailer might have 信息 on already.

Talking about AI automatically targeting people with ads might bring a sense of dread to many consumers who may begin opting out of any kind of behavioral tracking online or offline. That means it will have to be done with a delicate touch and will need to explain to the consumers the benefits that they will get, 甚至可能在某种程度上激励他们.

As AI systems become more complex and are better able to make sense of the complex and massive datasets they are given, 随着时间的推移,目标定位就会变得越好. 这意味着视频广告的投资回报率更高, because the ads should be in front of more receptive eyes (theoretically anyway).


TV broadcasters and cable companies have bemoaned their lost revenues for some time. TV Everywhere was put forward as one of the answers to move the broadcasters and cable companies forward into the digital era regaining that revenue and, 也许, 增加收入. 2013年是一个突破性的一年 随心所欲 报告称,“电视无处不在”的视频观看量增加了20%, 对本文来说更重要的是, 2012年第三季度视频广告观看量同比增长31% (表2). 除此之外, 移动电视无处不在的视频观看量飙升了200%, 平板电脑和智能手机同期分别增长了365%和235%. This is the front line of screen convergence for not only content, but advertising.

根据随心所欲的说法, 2013年,视频广告收视率上升了31%, 超过了视频观看总量的增长. 

广告收入也在发生变化. 在过去, more of the ad revenue on TV Everywhere content was coming in on multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs), 就像线性电视和基于ip的视频的结合. However, digital-only distribution is beginning to bite more into the overall ad revenue pie. The split in 3Q 2013, from 随心所欲’s “Video Monetization Report” for the quarter, was 52.mvp为9%,mvp为47%.数字分销商的比例从54%上升到1%.1%和45%.2012年第三季度分别为9%.

Advertising loads are on the rise as well in TV Everywhere, with present ad loads at around 11.每个视频6个广告,完成率高达91%, 很可能是因为观众无法快速通过它们, 比如Hulu. 这些广告今年也比去年更倾向于30秒插播, 这样的广告长度几乎占据了65%的广告浏览量.


现在,像康卡斯特这样的多系统运营商, DirecTV, 和时代华纳有线电视正在成为mvp, 将直播广告与点播广告捆绑在一起正变得越来越容易. Broadcasters can now begin offering multiple distribution channel advertising deals where an advertiser could place an ad on the first run of a TV episode on linear TV and couple it with advertising placed in the VOD episode coming from its main website, 或应用程序, 第二天, 或者是之后的几天.

Another initiative that is gaining speed and could be a major factor in 2014–2015 is injecting up-to-date advertising in VOD and even DVR-recorded television shows. 这可以用来确保广告商, 不管一集什么时候播出, 他们的广告会在那里. Or, 如果一段时间后观看了这一集, the advertiser could have the ability to insert an updated advertisement from their then-current ad campaign. 但所有这些都需要被追踪, and that leads us to the next big topic in 2013 and the future: online TV-like metrics.


The gross rating point (GRP) has long been the metric for television advertising. In a nutshell, it is the reach of advertisements in terms of percentage of the entire U.S. 人口乘以AD的平均频率. 这一直是电视广告购买的主要指标, 现在,它又来到了数字视频广告领域.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


从“程序化”到“可见性”,的流行语正在成为现实, 在线视频市场正处于一个转折点.


在此之前,各大品牌都会将部分电视广告预算投入到网络上, they need to feel confident their ads won't appear on content that could hurt the brand's image.


Online video advertising has some serious hurdles to overcome if it's going to attract TV dollars, 一位预测专家说.


改编电影.tv crunched the numbers and found that football-related online video programming delivers strong results for advertisers.


2013年似乎是在线视频广告的强劲年份, 将互动性和目标定位作为成功的关键. 但要小心,因为一种方式并不适合所有人.