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Telestream Wirecast demo was presebnted as a sponsored Tech Talk at 流媒体连接2023.

最近发布的电视流 Wirecast 16, which I have to say is our most feature-rich release to date, 特别是对于长期使用Wirecast的用户. 最近发布的一些功能改变了直播制作的游戏规则.


让我们从快速概述开始. Wirecast 是一个跨平台的Mac和Windows应用程序,允许您捕获,生产和流. For capture, Wirecast has done a phenomenal job of 添加ing flexibility to HDMI. SDI, USB, iPhone, NDI, IP, and a hybrid of those source--you can mix and match. It's really easy to connect your devices. And I have a few connected here today for this demo.


在UI中, you have a preview window and your live output, 这意味着你可以监控你的现场输出,因为你正在寻找和组成或构建你的下一个镜头. 在预览实时窗口中, we use five master layers where you can 添加 y我们的商标, lower-thirds, png, PSDs, 显然相机, video playback--whatever you need to tell your story or for your live production.

You can look at each layer itself in the Shot Properties panel. So, 本质上, 在UI本身, as you're 添加ing your camera sources or your visual sources, 一切都在这里. The whole tool sits right in front of you. There isn't really any digging needed to go in and find what you need to scale, 移动, 添加, or adjust in your master layers of your production.


来看看Wirecast最近发布的内容. 在虚拟助手中, 我们提供了10年的工作流程, 故障排除, and technical advice into this machine learning/AI Assistant, and I threw the kitchen sink at it in testing.

我只是随便问它一些问题, and questions that I've answered multiple times for customers, and not only did the Virtual Assistant provide a clean, 精确的答案, 但它也更像是一件教育的事情:“在Wirecast之外检查这些东西, 就像在外围, 或者它实际上可能在驱动器中或者它实际上可能在电缆或连接中."

Wirecast's Virtual Assistant is 1) a very robust walkthrough technical advice 故障排除 tool; 2) it's support at the instant you need it. 因此,我不得不说,虚拟助手可能是Wirecast 16的第一个新版本.


The #2 new feature--coming from my production background--is video filters. Each camera has its own image sensor with its own color temperature, and you can change that color temperature digitally. 你可以用一个真正的白平衡卡来平衡相机的色温, 但是假设这些都不是你能得到的. You can do it with Wirecast's video filters.

我们看一个视频——演示中的这个MP4——我们可以去video Filters并添加我们的过滤器. 我们有每把钥匙的赌注. 这样我们就能拉一个绿幕了, 我们可以拉一把活的钥匙, but they also have LUTs and if we go there, 它只是添加了一个覆盖层. 但对于制作界的专业色彩校正卡或暖色卡来说, 现在我可以在Photoshop中创建增温滤镜和降温滤镜然后把它们放到Wirecast中, and I can adjust the color temperature of my shot. So if I noticed that my video looks a little warm. 我可以加个滤色镜. 我有这些过滤器可用. If you don't know how to make a cube file in Photoshop, 联系一下电视流媒体, and we'll get these color filters out to you. I use these two cooling and these two warming most of the time. And sometimes I use a curves as well just for a little bump in saturation.

视频过滤器可以应用于源本身,也可以应用于源内部的每一层. 假设有个摄像头, 较低的三分之一, 还有一个标志, 我可以挑出相机,给那个特定的源添加滤镜,这样你就可以在图中图中处理整个镜头或细节.


我们的第三个新功能是大量客户要求我们的礼拜场所教育, 体育, entertainment customers who would on a Wednesday, build out their Friday or Saturday production using placeholders, 构建下三分之一, 加上所有的标题, 还有标识. 然后一个制片人会在周五来参加节目,有时制片人不太了解Wirecast的全部功能,可能会影响他们的制作,不知道如何收回或返回并修复它.

所以我们实际上增加了可锁定区域. 如果你点击编辑锁定, 你可以锁定主图层, 所以你不能移动主图层,用视频源覆盖较低的三分之一, 或者你可以锁定预览窗口,这样你就不能像我刚才不小心做的那样拖拽任何东西. Or you can lock the Shot Editing panel into any scale, positioning, rotation. 或者你可以锁定整个UI,我能做的就是切换和流,切换或记录流.

Lockable regions may not make sense for everybody, but really when you have multiple cooks in the kitchen, it's a great tool for kind of not letting mistakes happen.


在以前的版本中,我们有SRT输出,现在在Wirecast 16中,我们有SRT摄取. We can now pull in an SRT from anywhere as a contribution feed to Wirecast. Maybe a use for that would be a Vegas SkyCam over buildings.

Now we can pull that feed and we can dress it up with our lower-thirds, 我们的商标, 我们的信息, 然后用Wirecast把它拉进来,然后把它推送到你想去的任何目的地.


One highly anticipated release was our Zoom integration. 现在我们可以去Zoom添加一个邀请链接或者他们的会议信息或者加入那个Zoom会议, which will allow us to pull up to 15 remote presenters.

So, 一个用例——每个人都熟悉Zoom——假设你向你的演示者发送了四个Zoom链接,就像今天这样. 然后我们可以通过WebRTC将这些演示者从Zoom拉到Wirecast,并将它们作为Wirecast中的单个百家乐软件. 所以, Zoom熟悉你的演讲者, but Wirecast being your full production tool to dress up with lower-thirds logos, 演讲, 标题卡, 不管你在做什么, and you could take that Zoom meeting to a professional level, 就像一个专业的制作.


Those were the five biggest releases in Wirecast 16. Just a couple honorable mentions: One is the PTZ camera control. We actually have PTZ camera control built into Wirecast, and it's not just pan-tilt-变焦; it's pan tilt, 变焦, 集中暴露, 白平衡调整, 和——最重要的是——预设. With a PTZ camera, you could make one camera with multiple shots. Wirecast makes that really straightforward for you. You can put in, say, three presets prior to the show. Preset one could be a push preset, two a pull. So with that camera you could have a push/pull and you're just toggling presets. But of course it's PTZ cameras, so we do have pan, tilt, and 变焦. 所以,再一次,完全控制PTZ摄像机和所有连接的PTZ摄像机. 所以你必须选择每个PTZ摄像机,你可以进去做那些调整.

对我们来说,另一个重要的因素是社交媒体. 当你在Facebook上直播的时候, 抽搐, 和YouTube, 评论将进入Wirecast, 现在你可以在这里调节它们. 您可以单独选择或批量选择并将这些评论推送到您的直播流.

我们还拥有多达5个独立的“小皮肤”或玩家. 所以你可以选择你想要的社交媒体评论的进入和显示方式.

第三,我们有库存媒体库. 这一点很少被提及, 我用它——如果不是每周都用的话, at least monthly with my own personal productions. Stock Media Library是我们与StoryBlocks的合作伙伴,他们为我们提供了600多个,000个视频元素, 照片, 音乐, 所有的免版税. 所以你订阅了Wirecast, 我们一会儿会讲到, you will get free access to Stock Media Library, where you can pull in things to enhance your stream. 也许你没有无人机在山上拍摄的照片,你需要它来写你的故事. 你可以把它拉进去. Let's say you need some 音乐 for your production. Again, 所有的免版税, as we used to say, clear chain of title. Stock Media Library is a very big asset available to you.


最后,Wirecast正在向a 订阅模式. The entry point used to be $599 for Studio, $799 for Pro. Now we have a 订阅模式 where an annual subscription for Studio is $299, 而Wirecast pro则是399美元. But a lot of people are coming from the contract world,. Maybe they only have a couple live streaming productions and they're done, 所以他们只需要两个月. We also offer a monthly subscription for Wirecast Studio and Wirecast Pro, trying to make it the most flexible kind of entry-level usage as well. 因此,无论您是一次性生产还是每年都需要,我们都为您提供了订阅模式.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Telestream有能力在客户发现自己的任何地方满足他们的云之旅,这是该公司独特价值的关键部分. 未来证明您的媒体处理,并开始您的云之旅与云原生服务从Telestream.


新发布的Wirecast Gear 3结合了从英特尔到AMD cpu的变化和重新架构的软件引擎,Telestream声称“比以前的版本节省了60%的计算机百家乐软件”.在这篇评论中, 我测试了新版本的硬件和软件的极限,给我留下了深刻的印象.

How to Produce Remote Interviews With Telestream Rendezvous in Wirecast 14.1

通过它的交会功能, Tele-stream的Wirecast是2017年首批实现完全可定制的多方会议的视频混频器之一. Telestream以几个微妙但关键的方式升级了该功能, 我将在本文中对此进行讨论.

SMW '19: Telestream Talks Wirecast Now and Future

在2019年流媒体西部的采访中,Telestream高级产品经理Lynn Elliott和流媒体特约编辑Tim Siglin讨论了Telestream的Wirecast直播制作解决方案当前和未来的发展.