Encoding/Transcoding > News

视频编码和转码是在线视频的核心, 流媒体提供了深入的编码参数, bitrate ladders, per-title encoding, content/context-aware encoding, CBR, VBR, and ABR. Here you’ll find the latest news, reviews, tests, 和分析,以帮助您保持在您的编码/转码游戏的顶部.

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Interview: IP Attorney Robert J.L. 摩尔讨论视频编解码器知识产权和专利货币化问题

In this wide-ranging interview, 流媒体的Jan Ozer和Moore IP solutions的知识产权律师Robert Moore深入探讨了与视频编解码器知识产权问题和专利货币化相关的一些主题, two constantly moving targets.

Introduction: Foundations of AI-Based Codec Development

To promote the understanding of AI codec development, Deep Render's CTO and Co-founder, Arsalan Zafar, 推出了一个名为“基于人工智能的编解码器开发基础:入门课程?." In a recent interview with Streaming Media Magazine, Zafar provided insights into the course's content, target audience, and expected outcomes.

’Round the Horn at NAB 2024: Videon, Telestream, Phenix, Ateme, V-Nova, Twelve Labs, Norsk, Dolby, and NETINT

任何NAB报告都像是盲人和大象的故事:你所经历的就是你所触摸的, 代表整体的一小部分,甚至可能不是一个好的样本. That being said, here's what I touched during the show. 其中许多经历都伴随着我拍摄的采访视频.

流媒体预览:计算而冷却与Netflix, Adeia, the Greening of Streaming, and Help Me Stream Research Foundation

On Wednesday, May 22 at Streaming Media NYC, Dom Robinson, Founder, Greening of Streaming and Director id3as/Norsk, 将主持一个由领先的流媒体技术提供商和创新者组成的全明星小组,讨论如何使媒体的技术堆栈更具成本和能源效率,并在整个媒体供应链中实施合理和可持续的最佳实践, with insights from Sujana Sooreddy, Senior Lead Software Engineer at Netflix, Serhad Doken, CTO of Adeia, and Tim Fore-Siglin, 帮助我流媒体研究基金会的创始执行董事.

Bitmovin Live Encoder-Akamai连接云集成承诺降低出口成本和运营成本高达90%

On March 27, Bitmovin宣布在Akamai Connected Cloud上运行Live Encoder, 它有望提高大规模流的效率,并大幅降低数据传输(DTO)成本,这可能会使总体运营成本降低90%. 

Take Streaming Media's Spring 2024 State of Streaming Survey

The teams at StreamingMedia.com和帮助我流媒体研究基金会在春天提前发布了2024年春季版的流媒体现状调查. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. 今天接受调查,帮助我们了解流媒体行业在过去六个月里发生了怎样的变化.

Instant Replay: Streaming Media Connect 2024

流媒体于2月19日至22日举行了第13届Connect虚拟会议, 2024, 由媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗担任主持人和主持人. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第四季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. 其他亮点还包括迪士尼的达纳·麦格劳的主题演讲, titled Disney Advertising, 了解受众:迪士尼广告如何利用数据科学和洞察力来增强广告商的能力, 另外还有几个小组讨论了应用流媒体UX设计等主题, scaling CTV advertising, measuring FAST success, and AI.

Best of CES 2024


Live-Streaming Technology Trends 2023 Survey Brief Launches


State of Streaming Autumn 2023 Survey Report Launches

最新版本的年度报告详述了“痛点”和增长模式, available for download now.

What Your Codec Will Cost You: Robert J.L. Moore Talks Avanci Video Codec Patent Pool Launch

What is the new Avanci Video codec patent pool, who is involved with it, what codecs does it cover, 这对ott和其他流媒体内容公司来说意味着什么,因为他们需要为编解码器的使用付费? 当涉及到编解码器版税时,流媒体行业是否应该做好迎接巨变的准备? 在对流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer和Robert J L Moore的采访中, IP attorney, 他们讨论了这些影响,并更多地基于我们目前所知道的.

The 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards Finalists

More than 1,200 readers voted in 18 categories. 我们将在11月/ 12月的《百家乐软件》杂志上公布获奖名单, 但这里有一个小笑话——每个类别的前三名得票者. And you just might be surprised at the names you see.

Take Streaming Media's Autumn 2023 State of Streaming Survey

The teams at StreamingMedia.com和帮助我流媒体研究基金会在秋季发布了2023年秋季版的流媒体现状调查. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. 今天接受调查,帮助我们了解流媒体行业在过去六个月里发生了怎样的变化.

Vote in the 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

18个类别的投票已延长至9月30日. Cast your vote today!

Why Everyone Is Talking About xHE-AAC

媒体和硬件公司正在采用xHE-AAC(扩展HE-AAC和MPEG-D DRC的组合)来提供高质量的音频和视频内容. Via LA音频节目高级总监Helene Jay解释了原因. 


New survey launches today covering live event market

UPDATED: Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro to Host, MC, and Moderate Streaming Media Connect Virtual Event, August 22-24

Streaming Media announced today that Evan Shapiro, 自诩为“媒体制图师”,数据呈现精辟, analysis, 评论正在描绘流媒体行业和整个娱乐行业的未来, 签约成为下一届流媒体连接虚拟活动的主持人和主持人, which runs August 22-24.


What's your favorite streaming tool, tech, or service? What is the year's biggest innovation? 现在是时候为在线视频行业中唯一由最终用户选择的奖项提名了.