视频质量 > 博客

观众要求OTT和在线视频提供与广播相同的质量, or at least as close as possible, 精明的内容所有者正在利用视频产生的丰富数据不断改善观众体验和他们的底线. Check here for news, 研究, and analysis into video quality metrics, quality of service (QoS), quality of experience (QoE), 视频分析, 视频数据.

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在竞争激烈的流媒体领域,争夺观众留存率的战斗继续加剧. Interra Systems的Anupama Anantharaman强调了端到端质量保证的关键作用, media QC monitoring, 而深入的视频分析在满足当今视频消费者不断升级的需求方面发挥着作用,为什么这些过程的作用变得比以往任何时候都更加重要.


传统的, controlled broadcast environments are being replaced by dynamic, 多个应用程序和服务必须和谐共存的复杂生态系统. 挑战在于保持提供者主要服务的质量, like linear TV with dynamically inserted ads, 同时适应第三方应用程序的各种需求和潜在干扰. Witbe的Yoann Hinard讨论了整个过程中面临的挑战, including remote monitoring, dynamic ad insertion, and QC testing across devices.

Beat the Clock: Live Sports Streaming at Scale

To succeed in streaming sports at scale, 流媒体必须致力于提供最好的视频质量和可靠的先进体验, all while cracking down on piracy. Synamedia的Simon Brydon详细介绍了如何在体育流媒体中覆盖所有基础.


广播行业已经认识到云技术的好处, including its adaptability and versatility. 云技术促进了远程生产和简化工作流程. 然而, 这种转变可能伴随着一段调整期和无数其他挑战, which broadcasters today are still overcoming.

Instant Replay: 流媒体 Connect November 2023

流媒体于11月13日至16日举行了第12届Connect虚拟会议, with media industry cartographer Evan Shapiro as host and MC. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第三季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. 其他亮点包括与Shobana Radhakrishnan合作的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, Senior Director of Engineering at Google TV, 和几个小组讨论主题,如流媒体和CTV的云工作流程, Optimizing Live Streams at Scale, How Codec Patent Pools Will Impact Streaming in 2024, Making 在线直播 and VOD 更多的 Accessible, 在线直播 Technology Trends, 和更多的.

Unlocking the Promise of 4K Streaming Through VVC Adoption

MediaKind的Tony Jones讨论了通用视频编码(VVC)的稳定采用率及其众多好处, 例如显著的成本节约和降低了流媒体的能耗.

Netflix and the Challenges of 在线直播

Agora的Brad Altfest讨论了Netflix进军体育直播的举措,以及他们和其他老牌平台在管理大型直播活动方面面临的挑战.

构建vs. Buy Dilemma: Why Media Companies Are Changing Their Approach

Eric Black of Edgio discusses the "build vs. 媒体公司推出新的流媒体平台的技术困境,以及为什么小公司需要与值得信赖的合作伙伴建立良好的关系,以承担完整的端到端解决方案的系统集成商角色.

Live from the Carrier Edge

随着流媒体日益成为一些全球最受关注内容的首选消费模式, 人们对高质量和出色的用户体验的期望越来越高.

The Video Captioning Conundrum

StreamShark的James Broberg讨论了为什么视频字幕对于视频内容的可访问性和增加观众的理解是必不可少的.

5 Ways to Level Up Your HR and L&D视频策略

Are you an HR or L&D leader looking to elevate your department in 2023 and beyond? 如果是这样的话, StreamShark的James Broburg讨论了一个强大的视频策略应该如何成为你计划的关键部分.

StreamVoodoo: Simplicity, Low Latency, High Quality

In the online world, when you combine latency and quality, these are usually 2 things that could never go hand in hand. The rule of thumb said, if you want quality, 你不能有低延迟,或者如果你想要低延迟,你不能得到“高质量”." That's all changed now… in one click.

The Future of 流媒体 and Entertainment

在高带宽和快速网络的推动下,流媒体服务和解决方案正在经历大规模增长, high-efficiency compression and cloud transcoding, and increasingly powerful devices, increasing demand for streaming content. 但这也意味着你的产品和服务必须从人群中脱颖而出.

Blowing the Whistle on Bad 视频质量

SSIMWAVE的视频体验专家比较了美国八个顶级游戏.S. streaming services, and the differences in quality were shocking. 但更令人震惊的是,这些服务提供的视频质量都没有达到订户和创意人员的预期.


As OTT overtakes traditional TV viewing, 就质量控制和监控而言,媒体公司无法再维持现状. 提供优质QoE的激进策略能够增加用户并提高盈利. 媒体公司应该仔细选择正确的策略和工具来简化流程,以获得最佳的视频质量和观众体验.

Submit Your Nominations Now for the 2021 流媒体 50 List

我想确保你的公司被列入我们的年度最重要公司名单, 创新, and interesting companies in the online video space? 继续读下去, and send in your nominations by August 27.

Server-Side Selection is a Game Changer for Video Streaming

随着自适应比特率流的飙升,运营商正在失去对质量和百家乐软件的控制. Server-side selection gives them back that control.

Why Video Streaming Issues Aren’t Going Anywhere

The explosive growth in OTT viewing is good news, right? 只有行业不断创新,确保体验质量问题不会让人们回到付费电视.

The 2020 流媒体 Readers' Choice Winners

26个类别. 220个提名. 更多的 than 25,000 votes. 谁在今年的流媒体读者选择奖中获得了大奖? 继续读下去.

The ABCs of the "New Normal" for Streaming Services

Streaming usage is way up, and it's not going back down anytime soon. By focusing on analytics, 带宽, 和压缩, OTT services can deliver high-quality experiences at scale.